OPPLE Home Privacy Policy

Our Privacy Policy was updated on August 29, 2024.

Privacy Policy Update Notice:

In order to better protect your rights and interests, we have revised this Privacy Policy on the update date. The contents of this revision mainly include:

1. Supplementing and improving our sharing of your personal information with third-party service providers;
2. Other relevant revisions.

The full text of the updated privacy policy can be found below. Please read it carefully and confirm that you fully understand it before using/continuing to use our products and/or services. If you have any questions, comments or suggestions about the updated terms, you can give us feedback via the contact information published in this privacy policy, and we will explain it to you.


OPPLE LIGHTING CO., LTD (hereafter collectively “OPPLE”, “we”, “our” or “us”) is the operator and personal information processor of "OPPLE" related products and/or services. "OPPLE Home" is a platform provided by OPPLE to control and manage smart devices.

We take your privacy very seriously. This privacy policy is the statement and commitment to the privacy of "OPPLE Home".

"Personal information" under this Privacy Policy refers to various information related to identified or identifiable natural person recorded electronically or by other means, but exclude anonymized information. This Privacy Policy stipulates how we collect, use, disclose, process and store the personal information you provide to us when using "OPPLE Home". This Privacy Policy has been developed with your demand in mind and is designed to help you fully understand who we are, what personal information we collect, why we collect it, what we do with it and how we protect it. We will handle this personal information strictly in compliance with this Privacy Policy. Understanding these contents is important for you to exercise your personal rights and protect your personal information.

We hope making your user experience better. If you have any questions about the personal information handling practices described in this Privacy Policy, please contact us at app_team_account@OPPLE.com. We would love to receive any feedback from you.

This policy will help you understand the following:

1. How we collect, use or share your personal information
2. How we use technology
3. Sharing your personal information with third-party service providers
4. How we store your personal information
5. Your data subject rights
6. How your personal information is transferred globally
7. How we process personal information of minors
8. Updates to Privacy Policy
9. Contact us

1. What information we collect and how we use or share it

(1) Situations in which you must authorize us to collect and use your personal information

The purpose of collecting personal information is to provide you with products and/or services and to ensure that we comply with applicable relevant laws, regulations and other normative documents. You have the right to choose whether to provide this information, but in most cases, if you do not provide it, we may not be able to provide you with corresponding services or respond to your problems in a timely manner. These features include:

(a) Internet connection of smart devices

  • In order to provide you with "OPPLE Home" services so that you can safely connect and manage smart devices, we may collect your Wi-Fi information, location information, login account information, mobile phone related information, smart devices related information, and the association information between Opple account and smart devices. This information will be used to provide you with smart device connection, discovery of nearby devices and device management functions. The above information is listed in detail as follows:
  • Login account information: account - mobile phone number or email.
  • Mobile phone related information: hardware device identification (IMEI/OAID, Mac address, Android ID), mobile phone model, system version, system language, country or region set on the mobile phone, version number of the application store, mobile phone screen size and resolution, CPU and display device related information. 
  • Information collected during the process of connecting smart devices. Based on the type of smart devices you need to connect, we may collect the following information:
  • For smart devices connected via Wi-Fi: Wi-Fi information (SSID, BSSID, Wi-Fi Mac address, Wi-Fi password), device Mac address, and device ID.
  • For smart devices that need to establish a local connection via Bluetooth first and then connected via Wi-Fi: Wi-Fi information (SSID, BSSID, Wi-Fi Mac address, Wi-Fi password), device Mac address, and device Bluetooth Mac address.
  • For smart devices connected via Bluetooth: device Bluetooth Mac address, device ID.
  • For smart devices connected via Zig-bee: device Mac address, device ID.
  • Information necessary to determine whether "OPPLE Home" is running in the foreground, so as to promptly notify the user when the device sends an alarm: information about the running program process and a list of installed programs.
  • (b) Home management of smart devices

    We may collect the room setting information of smart devices provided by you to perform the home management for the smart devices, which will offer you a more convenient smart-device operation experience. (For example, when there are multiple lighting products, you can quickly locate the lighting you are controlling is in the bedroom, rather than in the living room.)

    (c) Application services and intelligent hardware upgrades

    In order to offer you the latest "OPPLE Home" service continuously, we may use your "OPPLE Home" application version information and mobile phone model to provide you with "OPPLE Home" application upgrade services. At the same time, we may collect the version number information and list of your connected smart devices to provide you with smart devices upgrading functions to ensure that you can get the service of latest "OPPLE Home" version (including firmware version).

    (d) Smart scenes of smart devices

    We support you to set certain rules to realize the interconnection between smart devices under certain conditions. To provide you with this function, we may collect your location information, your rule settings for the smart scenes, time schedule you set, and the devices status you specify, so as to implement the functions of the devices according to your commands. (For example, when the sensor detects that someone is passing by, the light turns on). Please relax, this function requires you to actively enable and set rules.

    (2) Situations where you can choose whether to authorize us to collect and use your personal information

    In order to offer you better experience of the control and management of smart devices provided by "OPPLE Home", we may collect and use your personal information in the following additional functions. If you do not provide this personal information, you can still use the basic services of "OPPLE Home", but you may not be able to use these additional functions that can bring you convenience.

    These additional functions include:

    We may collect the feedback questions, feedback logs, and the phone number or email address you filled in. This information will help us better understand the problems you encounter and contact you.

    (3) We collect your personal information from third-party SDKs and APPs

    When permitted by laws, we will obtain your personal information from the app or third-party SDK. The content of the information includes information generated during app running. This information will be used for bug collection and optimization of the app. For example, in the smart scene (device intelligent linkage) function, with your authorization, we may obtain the device status of the smart device to determine whether to trigger the smart scene (for example, when you set the sensor and system so that the light can be turned on when the sensor senses someone passing by). You can add or delete set smart linkage rules under the "Automation" page, and you can also manage whether to enable or delete smart linkage on the smart device page.

    (4) Non-personal information

    We may also collect other information that cannot identify a specific individual (that is, information that is not personal information), such as statistical data generated when you use specific services, such as user operation behavior (including clicks, page redirects, browsing time) . The purpose of collecting this information is to improve the services we provide to you. The categories and amounts of information collected depend on how you use our products and/or services. We aggregate this information to help us provide more useful information to our customers and understand which parts of our website, products and services are of most interest to them. Aggregated data is considered non-personal information for the purposes of this Privacy Policy. If we combine non-personal information with personal information, such information will be treated as personal information during the period of combination.

    (5) We will use the third-party sdk "Tencent bugly" to obtain the running information of this application

    Under the premise of complying with legal requirements, in order to deal with the operation problems of this application, we will obtain relevant information about the operation of the application from "bugly". For example, the log information when this application is running is used to collect and locate problems when this application is running.

    (6) Sharing information within OPPLE

    In order to optimize and improve user experience and provide you with full functionality of our products or services, we may share and process your personal information and data from time to time within the OPPLE

    (7) Instructions for self-start and associated startup

    In order to ensure that the user can receive the broadcast information pushed by “OPPLE Home” system when the application is closed or running in the background, this application must have the “self-starting” capability, and there will be a certain frequency of sending broadcasts through the system to wake up the application's self-starting or associated startup behavior, which is necessary to implement functions and services; when you open a content push message, the relevant content will be redirected to you after obtaining your explicit consent. Without your consent, no association will be initiated.

    2. How we use technology

    Log files: Like most websites, we collect specific information and store it in log files. Such information may include internet protocol (IP) address, browser type, internet service provider (ISP), referring/exit pages, operating system, date/time stamp and/or clickstream data. We do not associate log data which is collected automatically with other information we collect.

    · Mobile Analytics: In some mobile applications, we use mobile analytics software to better understand our mobile software functions in your mobile phone. This software may log information such as how often you use the app, events that occur within the app, cumulative usage, performance data, and location where app crashes occur. We do not link the information stored in the analytics software to any personal information you submit in the mobile application.

    3. Sharing your personal information with third-party service providers

    Some of the services in this business are provided by third-party service providers, for which we need to provide some of your personal information to the third-party service providers. If we share your personal information with these third parties, we will use encryption and other means to ensure the security of your information. We will conduct a reasonable review of the data security environment of companies and organizations with which we share personal information, and/or sign strict data processing agreements with them, requiring third parties to take adequate protective measures for your information and strictly abide by relevant regulations. Legal regulations and regulatory requirements. Software development kits (SDKs) for these third-party services include:

    Tencent bugly SDK

    Purpose of use: used to monitor App crashes, so as to locate problems with developers

    The type of personal information related to mobile phone: device type, system version, app usage time, etc.

    Acquisition terminal: iOS/Android

    Official website link: https: //bugly.qq.com


    Aurora Mobile JPush SDK

    Purpose of use: For OPPLE Home App to push messages to users' mobile phones

    The type of personal information related to mobile phone: device information (including IMEI, IDFA, Android ID, GAID, MAC, OAID, IMSI, MEID and UAID), device hardware information (including device model, device screen resolution, device hardware manufacturer, device product name), operating system information (including operating system version, system name, system language), network information (including network type, operator name, base station information, IP address, WiFi information, SSID, BSSID), push information log, precise location information, software list information (including software list and software running list information)

    Acquisition terminal: iOS/Android

    Official website link: https://www.jiguang.cn/push

    Privacy Policy link: https://www.jiguang.cn/license/privacy

    MiPush SDK

    Purpose of use: For OPPLE Home App to push messages to users' XiaoMI mobile phones

    The type of personal information related to mobile phone: Device ID (OAID, encrypted Android ID), push message content, device information (device manufacturer, model, home location, operator name, etc.), notification bar settings

    Acquisition terminal: Android

    Official website link: https://dev.mi.com/console/appservice/push.html

    Privacy Policy link: https://dev.mi.com/distribute/doc/details?pId=1534

    OPPOPush SDK

    Purpose of use: For OPPLE Home App to push messages to users' OPPO mobile phones

    The type of personal information related to mobile phone: Device information (such as IMEI or OAID, IMSI, Android ID), network type

    Acquisition terminal: Android

    Official website link: https://open.oppomobile.com/

    Privacy Policy link: https://open.oppomobile.com/new/developmentDoc/info?id=10288

    VIVOPush SDK

    Purpose of use: For OPPLE Home App to push messages to users' VIVO mobile phones

    The type of personal information related to mobile phone: Device information (such as IMEI, Android ID), application list

    Acquisition terminal: Android

    Official website link: https://push.vivo.com.cn/#/

    Privacy Policy link: https://dev.vivo.com.cn/documentCenter/doc/652


    Purpose of use: For OPPLE Home App to push messages to users' HUAWEI mobile phones

    The type of personal information related to mobile phone: Basic application information, in-application device identifier, device hardware information, system basic information and system setting information

    Acquisition terminal: Android

    Official website link: https://developer.huawei.com/consumer/cn/

    Privacy Policy link: https://developer.huawei.com/consumer/cn/doc/development/HMSCore-Guides/sdk-data-security-0000001050042177

    Baidu Map SDK

    Purpose of use: Used for OPPLE Home App to obtain your location information and location display

    The type of personal information related to mobile phone: Including device identification information (Android ID, IDFV), system information (operating system version, device brand and model, device configuration) and application information (application name), location information, and network type

    Acquisition terminal: iOS/Android

    Official website link: https://lbsyun.baidu.com/

    Privacy Policy link: https://lbsyun.baidu.com/index.php?title=openprivacy

    Sensorsdata SDK

    Purpose of use:App Basic Data Collection

    The type of personal information related to mobile phone:Device Information (including Android ID, IDFA, IDFV, OAID, UUID, etc.), Location Information, Unique Application Identifier

    Acquisition terminal: iOS/Android

    Official website link:https://www.sensorsdata.cn

    Privacy Policy link:https://manual.sensorsdata.cn/sa/latest/zh_cn/tech_sdk_client_privacy_policy-22255999.html

    Volcengine Application Performance Monitoring SDK

    Purpose of use:End-to-End Application Performance Monitoring

    The type of personal information related to mobile phone: Device Identifier, Device Model, Operating System, System Timezone, Screen Resolution, Disk Usage, Memory Usage, Running Thread Count, CPU Information (Frequency, Model, Architecture), Mobile Device Country Code (MCC), Mobile Device Network Code (MNC), Device DPI; Android ID, Device Brand, Operating System API Version, User Agent, Battery Level, Network Traffic, Device ABI, ROM, Jailbreak Status.

    Acquisition terminal: iOS/Android

    Official website link:https://console.volcengine.com

    Privacy Policy link: https://www.volcengine.com/docs/6431/69429

    U-share SDK

    Purpose of use: Enable users to share APP content on mainstream apps

    Operating Company: Umeng Tongxin (Beijing) Technology Co., Ltd.

    The type of personal information:Device info(MEI/MAC/Android ID/IDFA/OAID/OpenUDID/GUID/SIM/IMSI/ICCID), location info, network Info

    Acquisition terminal: React Native(including iOS/Android)

    Official website link: https://devs.umeng.com/?platform=reactnative&component=share

    Privacy Policy link: https://www.umeng.com/page/policy

    4. How we store your personal information

    We retain personal information for as long as necessary for the purposes for which the information was collected as described in this Privacy Policy, or to comply with applicable relevant legal requirements. After the purpose of collection fulfilled, or after we confirm your deletion or cancellation request, or after we terminate the operation of the corresponding products or services, we will stop retaining it and delete or anonymize it. During this period we will not carry out processing other than storage and taking necessary security measures. If you agree to store your personal information for a longer period after the storage period expires, we will store your personal information in the manner, type, and period you request. If it is for public interest, scientific, historical research or statistical purposes, we will continue to retain relevant data based on applicable law, even if further data processing is not related to the original purpose of collection.

    5. Your rights

    (1) Controlling settings

    OPPLE recognizes that privacy concerns differ from person to person. Therefore, we provide examples of ways OPPLE makes available to you to restrict the collection, use, disclosure, or processing of your personal information and control your privacy setting:

  • Toggle on or off for location access, camera, recording and read and write phone storage permissions;
  • Click "My-Settings-Personal Information" in the "OPPLE Home" APP to modify your personal information, including nickname, avatar, etc.;
  • Log in or out of your OPPLE account.
  • If you have previously agreed to our use of your personal information for the above purposes, you may do so at any time by
    contact us at app_team_account@OPPLE.com to change your decision.

    (2) Your rights to your personal information

    Subject to the applicable laws and regulations of your country or region, you have the right to request access to, correct, and/or delete any personal information we have about you (hereinafter referred to as a “request”).

    For details relating to the personal information in your OPPLE account, you can contact us by sending an email to

    app_team_account@OPPLE.com. Laws of most countries require that requests made by personal information subjects should comply with specific requirements. This privacy policy requires that your request should comply with the following circumstances:

  • Access to your personal information: If you wish to access or edit the personal information in your account, change your password, you can access your information through settings after logging in to your account.
  • Correct your personal information: When you find that we have made mistakes in processing your personal information, you have the right to ask us to make corrections or supplements. You can make corrections or supplementary description by visiting the personal information setting page or contact us directly.
  • Delete your personal information: In the following cases, you can send an email to app_team_account@OPPLE.com to request deletion of personal information:

  • ① If our handling of personal information violates laws and regulations.

    ② If we collect and use your personal information without your explicit consent.

    ③ If our handling of personal information seriously violates the agreement with you.

    ④ If you do not need to use our products and services, or you have voluntarily deleted your "OPPEL Home" APP account.

    ⑤ If you do not need us providing products or services any more.

    ⑥ If we share your personal information with others or transfer your personal information to others without your explicit consent, you have the right to ask us and the third party to delete it.

    ⑦ If we violate the agreement with you and publicly disclose your personal information, you have the right to ask us to stop the public disclosure immediately, and issue a notice to request the relevant receiver to delete the corresponding information

    (3) Cancelling a service or account

    If you want to delete the “OPPLE Home” account, you can click the account on the "Me" page of the APP to enter the "Personal Center" page, click "Delete Account" to enter the account deletion page, and perform the account cancellation operation. We will process it within 15 working days. Since the operation of deleting the "OPPLE Home" account will make you unable to use the products and services of "OPPLE Home", please proceed with caution. Upon cancellation of your account, we will stop providing you with the respective product or service and delete or anonymize your personal data as required by applicable law.

    When you sign in to OPPLE through a third-party account, you need to apply for cancellation of the account from the third party.

    6. How your personal information is transferred globally

    We process and back up personal information through our global operating and control infrastructure. Currently, OPPLE has data centers in China and Singapore. For the purposes described in this Privacy Policy, your information may be transferred to the appropriate data center in accordance with the applicable laws of your country or region. We may also transfer your personal information to third-party service providers and business partners, so your information may also be transferred to other countries or regions. The jurisdictions in which these global facilities are located may or may not protect personal information to the same standards as in your jurisdiction. However, this does not change our commitment to comply with this Privacy Policy and to protect your personal information.

    In particular,

    . The personal information that we collect and generate during our operations on the Chinese mainland will be stored in our data center on the Chinese mainland, except for cross-border transmissions as permitted by applicable law.

    . The personal information that we collect and generate during our operations outside the Chinese mainland will be stored in our data center in Singapore, except for cross-border transmissions as permitted by applicable law.

    7. How we process personal information of minors

    OPPLE attaches great importance to the protection of minors’ personal information. If you are a minor under the age of fourteen, you should obtain the consent of your guardian before using our products and/or services. We will strictly comply with relevant laws and regulations and use, share, transfer or disclose this information with the consent of the guardian and as necessary to protect minors. If you have any questions about minors' personal information, please contact us and we will respond first and provide you with help.

    8. Updates to Privacy Policy

    Our privacy policy may be updated based on changes in laws, regulations and business conditions. We will not limit your rights under this policy without your explicit consent. If there are changes to personal information processors, processing purposes, processing methods, types of personal information processed, retention periods, data subject rights, etc., we will inform you in the updated version of the privacy policy.

    9. Contact us

    If you have any comments or questions about this Privacy Policy, or if you have any questions about our collection, use or disclosure of your personal information, please contact us by sending an email to app_team_account@OPPLE.com and mention "Privacy Policy". For your rights requests, problem consultations, etc. related to personal information, we have a professional team to solve your problems. If you consult us, we will provide information on relevant complaint channels that may be applicable based on your actual situation.

    When you exercise your rights related to personal information, or make other related complaints or reports, we will respond within thirty days after receiving your request to assist in solving your problem. If you are not satisfied with our response, especially if you believe that our personal information processing behavior has harmed your legitimate rights and interests, you can also seek a solution by filing a lawsuit with the court with jurisdiction where OPPLE Lighting Co., Ltd. is domiciled.

    OPPLE Lighting Co., Ltd.

    Building V2, Vientiane City, No. 1799 Wuzhong Road, Minhang District, Shanghai (Postcode 201103)

    Contact email: app_team_account@OPPLE.com

    Customer service hotline: 400 6783 222

    Thank you for your careful reading and support of OPPLE Home Privacy Policy!